Gjosa x Business

At Gjosa, we have developed efficient water-saving solutions that adapt easily to different organizations and contexts. Our innovative showerheads are compliant with the highest European labels and quality standards.

Gjosa GS Line in your Organization

The GS line is an eco-friendly range of products conceived to help you grow your business’ sustainability and to allow you to save water, energy, and money.

Designed carefully and thoughtfully to suit the image of your establishment while acting responsibly for the environment.

Creating Real Value and Impact for the Hospitality Industry


European average costs Water: 4,01 EUR/m3 - Electricity: 0,211 EUR/kWh

Based on: Occupation rate of: 70% - 2 guest per stay - 1 shower per day/guest - 8 min/shower

Marketing Support Program

We build successful collaborations based on a marketing accompanying program for creating awareness on water scarcity among your customers.

Customer Experience

…of the respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the GS3 performance.

…of the respondents confirmed the feeling of using less water.

…of acceptance of the GS3 towards a positive impact on the environment.

…of the respondents would prefer staying in a room equipped with the GS3.

…of the respondents would recommend it to friends and family.
*Feedback collected from user experiences.

Our Commercial Partners


Contact us

for Info, marketing and complaints questions.

You have a question? We would love to hear from you!
Send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.

Kontaktieren Sie uns

für Informationen, Marketing und Beschwerden.

Haben Sie eine Frage? Wir würden uns freuen, sie zu hören!
Senden Sie uns eine Nachricht und wir werden Ihnen so schnell wie möglich antworten.


pour les informations, le marketing et les réclamations.

Vous avez une question ? Nous serions ravis de l’entendre !
Envoyez-nous un message et nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais.

Contact us

for Sales & Marketing questions

You have a question? We would love to hear from you!
Send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.